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Dec 5 / King Kaufman

Social media for journalists: An advanced workshop

Sree Sreenivasan

Sree Sreenivasan

If you’re trying to improve how you use social media—and if you’re interested in a media career, you should be—you ought to peruse this Storify by Sree Sreenivasan that covers an advanced social-media workshop he helped teach in New York last week.

Sreenivasan is a professor at Columbia Journalism School and all-around digital media hotshot.

The Storify is organized by topic. There are tips about using Google+, Facebook, Twitter and, the section I found most useful, “other tools.” In that section, I learned about SocialBro, Twiangulate, CrowdBooster, SocialFlow and MuckRack, none of which I’d even heard of before.

There are also tweets about how journalism is changing, and sections in which attendees give feedback, non-attendees weigh in and so on.

As always with a Storify like this, you can learn a fair amount just by reading it, and can give yourself a graduate-level course in the subject by following the links.