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Nov 13 / King Kaufman

12 smart tips for getting ahead in journalism

Rachele Kanigel has taught reporting and writing all over the world, and she says, “Don’t listen to all the doom and gloom you’ve heard about the economy and the journalism profession.” It’s a competitive field, but there are opportunities out there, she writes in a blog post designed to help you snag some of them.

Her post, 12 Tips for Launching Your Journalism Career, appears on the website of the Institute for Education in International Media, aka ieiMedia. Kanigel, an associate journalism professor at San Francisco State, is the executive director of ieiMedia, which offers study-abroad journalism courses and internships for American and Canadian students.

Her 12 pieces of advice are simple and straightforward, and there isn’t one of them I’d hesitate to pass along without editing. In fact, I bet every one of the 12 tips has been passed along on this blog in the last year and a half.

The only thing I’d change would be to put her 12th tip first: Do great work.