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Jan 6 / King Kaufman

It’s not too late: 3 New Year’s resolutions for journalists

Happy New Year!

If you haven’t gotten around to your New Year’s resolutions, you might want to borrow three good ones from the site 10,000 Words. As laid out by writer Meranda Adams, they are:

1. Learn something new

2. Improve at what you already do

3. Engage with the journalism community

Adams acknowledges that “learn something new” is what you do every day in the course of doing research for your articles. But, she asks:

when was the last time you sat down and took a class, attended a professional conference or just read a book related to your craft? In a world that’s constantly demanding new skills, you’ll soon be irrelevant if you don’t keep up on the trade.

Engaging with the journalism community could mean finding a professional organization that shares your interests, or even just a group of like-minded folks to talk about the craft with. “You can learn from them,” Adams notes, “or you can help the fledgling professional coming up. Either way, you’ll be better at your job if you connect with others and swap ideas and anecdotes.”

Adams provides a stack of links to point you in the right direction for all three resolutions.