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Oct 4 / Zander Freund

Classic Creatures: Part One

Marty Andrade

Marty Andrade loves baseball, numbers, and the Minnesota Twins. I’m not sure anyone on Bleacher Report really knows what else he enjoys in life…and I have a feeling he likes it that way.

Marty has written 78 articles throughout his Bleacher Report career. He is the network’s resident Sabermetrician, and never hesitates to bring statistics no one’s ever heard of into the discussion. Marty will attempt to prove why a hitter’s batting average indicates little about their overall production, and how meaningful statistics show that Matt Holliday is not as good as everyone thinks—regardless of how others react. His honest analysis and willingness to analyze baseball to it’s fullest extent have made Marty greatly respected within the MLB community.

He also loves his Minnesota Twins with a passion—but isn’t afraid to call out their front office when they look over important statistics in signing or dumping a player.

Erick Blasco

Erick Blasco shaped his Bleacher Report identity by getting busy in the NBA threads. It became clear very quickly that Erick knew more about professional basketball than anyone else on the network—frankly, it got to a point where he was starting to embarrass writers with his vast knowledge of the game.

It wasn’t long before Erick took to article writing. Since then, he’s taken the NBA community by storm. His willingness to analyze all the teams and players throughout the league has paved the way for a variety of excellent discussions, and made him a no-brainer pick as the NBA Community Leader.

Erick has recently branched out his Bleacher intersts to the college football section of the site, where he has written and commented with the same intensity as he has in the NBA community. All in all, he’s written over 40 articles and 350 comments since signing up for Bleacher Report almost a year ago—despite studying TV/Radio and English on a full ride at Brooklyn College.
Ron Glover

Ron Glover is one of those guys who does a little bit of everything. For as long as I can remember, he’s been a staple of the Bleacher Report Community.

Ron doesn’t write or comment quite as frequently as some of the other Creatures—but when he does, he makes his presence felt. He writes tributes to players of old that have passed away, reminding all of us why being a sports fan is so special; he talks about his home teams with a calm positivity that makes you smile, rather than a ra-ra, “we’re the best” type of arrogant attitude.

Not only that, but I’ve noticed that Ron really takes advantage of our Bulletin Board feature, making friends and engaging other members in casual chat. I’ve seen Ron have lengthy conversations with other members about topics ranging from the Simpsons to Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches. In fostering a genuine sense of community at Bleacher Report, it is just as important to have guys like Ron providing a welcoming atmosphere as it is to give new members the ability to read and write in-depth analysis on their favorite teams and players.

I’ve never met Ron in person, but I have a feeling he’s one of the nicest people around. His contributions always have a positive vibe, and he never makes personal attacks, no matter how large the temptation.

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Read Part Three