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Jan 27 / Zander Freund

The Women of Bleacher Report Speak Out

Bleacher Superstar Saraswathi Siriginia is at it again…this time, she’s taken up the cause of the female sports writer.

The result?  The Foxes in the Henhouse, a brand new section of Bleacher Report devoted to our lovely lady journalists.

Sarah has joined together with Lisa Horne, Kara Martin, Mary Jo Buchanan, Michelle Alves, and a host of other uber-talented Creatures of the better sex in creating a new Community devoted to the female perspective on the world of sports.  But don’t be intimiated guys…male fans are also welcome to join in on the fun!

Just ask College Football Community Leader BabyTate, who recently scooped the Foxes:

The new section can be found in the “More” menu on the front page.  Make sure to stop by and give these amazing gals the respect they deserve!

  • Saraswathi Sirigina


    You are so mighty kind sir! It’s all down to your “yes” else “we” would have never had the guts to chart on such a course.

    I am just stunned I can barely type.

    Thank you so very much,

  • Lisa Horne

    Thanks Zander…you’re the best! And Sarah,…you rock!

  • Kara Martin

    How is it that I just saw this for the first time?! It popped up on How cool is that?! I love it and appreciate you including me with the best group of ladies that I know. It is truly an honor!

    Thank you to Zandar & the b/r crew for making this happen!

    Much love,