Jul 6 / King Kaufman
Shoutouts: Women’s World Cup soccer and iconic MLB moments
A couple of quick Shoutouts as we ramp back up following this blog’s holiday weekend hiatus.
Donald Wood, who mostly writes about hockey, has an interesting take on American interest in the Women’s World Cup.
He points to record ratings in Germany, the ratings success of the Women’s World Cup in this country in 1994 and the talent level of the U.S. team—this was published before today’s sloppy 2-1 loss to Sweden—as indications that the pieces are in place for Americans to catch at least a little bit of World Cup fever.
And Brewers Featured Columnist Jeffrey Beckmann has a terrific slideshow covering The Most Iconic Moment in the History of Each MLB Franchise.
The piece is a nice mix of historical research, new media and spirited debate.
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