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Aug 25 / King Kaufman

Moke Hamilton takes his NBA analysis to

Moke Hamilton

Moke Hamilton

Moke Hamilton has been representing Bleacher Report on “TKBtv” as the weekly video series by tackles the issues surrounding the NBA lockout and collective bargaining agreement negotiations.

Hamilton, an NBA Featured Columnist, started writing for Bleacher Report six months ago. His work caught the attention of Tommy Dee of as well as that of some folks from SportsNet New York, whose website hosts TKBtv.

During Hamilton’s first appearance late last month, Dee said, “I’m a fan of your work. I’m a fan of Bleacher Report because it allows people to write, and that’s how I started. I really appreciate the platform, and people taking advantage of it like yourself.”

In Hamilton’s most recent appearance, earlier today, he, Dee and Andrew Smith of talked about the possibility of the NBA contracting. Hamilton points out that David Stern’s entire administration has been about expanding the NBA, both in terms of number of franchises and moving into new markets internationally, so contraction would be out of character.

Hamilton’s a great example of strong work on Bleacher Report leading to other opportunities in media, and he’s making the most of it.

Of course, Hamilton’s no newcomer to the analysis game. He’s only in his mid-20s, but he started his first sports website in 1996. Do the math on that one, and keep your eye on Moke.

  • Brandon Galvin


  • Djohn Utk
