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Aug 30 / King Kaufman

Textbook: Weekly primers on B/R, sportswriting fundamentals

California textbookTim Wood’s post, How to write the perfect Bleacher Report headline, marks the launch of a weekly feature here on the B/R Blog that I’m calling Textbook.

I have been calling it B/R 101 for the last few months, but I think it’s too confusing to call it that because there’s also a B/R U, our self-guided, online curriculum about sportswriting on the Web.

Each of these weekly Textbook blog posts will be a basic primer on some fundamental activity, either fundamental to sports journalism, fundamental to writing for Bleacher Report, or both. The idea is that the chapters, taken together, will become like a textbook for Bleacher Report writers. Get it? Textbook.

As a sort of test run this spring, we did two “chapters,” on lede writing and on attribution, sources and avoiding plagiarism. Click “Textbook” under “Categories” at the bottom of this page to see an archive of Textbook pieces, which at the moment is three strong.

For now, that’s how to find the Textbook posts. In a few weeks, when the archive is starting to fill out, I’ll create a dedicated page that will look more like an organized table of contents.

I’ve got a plan mapped out for what Textbook will cover, but if there’s anything you’d like to see addressed, let me know. I might have overlooked something, and you know as well as anyone what it is you need to learn.

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Photo by Karl Baron, via Flickr/Creative Commons.