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Dec 28 / King Kaufman

Quote of the Day: Writing is all about location

I don’t know where my ideas come from, but I know where they come to. They come to my desk, and if I’m not there, they go away again.

Philip Pullman

Think of this as a continuation of today’s earlier post, which had advice from Scott Raab on the not-so-magical qualities it takes to be a good writer: passion, hard work and endurance.

Another way to put it is a quote I’ve heard attributed to Oliver Stone, though I can’t find a definitive citation. Asked the secret to writing good screenplays, Stone said it was to keep your butt in the chair.

  • Bruce Dogg

    or now days, hours in front of the computer and coffee maker. The biggest challenge I find most days is to remember to eat and take breaks. there is always something to write about in a meaningful way that many social media platforms have seemed to cheapen.