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Feb 14 / King Kaufman

Bleacher Report: A winning extracurricular activity

David Tenenbaum, a world football Featured Columnist, is going to college.

That might not be the biggest deal in the world outside the Tenenbaum house, but there’s one thing about his matriculation that should interest his fellow Bleacher Report scribblers. He talked about it in an email to B/R soccer Lead Writer and editor Will Tidey:

Earlier this fall, as I was applying to colleges, I listed my status as a Featured Columnist (and my soccer writing online in general) as one of my top extra curriculars. Well, I just got accepted to the University of Rochester, and they specifically mentioned my writing for B/R as a big factor in my acceptance.

Just wanted to thank you for the opportunity, and share with you some of the good that results from writing for B/R.

That’s a good example of how you can make Bleacher Report work for you as you build your reputation as a writer, the buzz phrase for which these days is “building your brand.” Do good work on B/R and important people will notice.

The University of Rochester’s justifiably serious treatment of Tenenbaum’s work at Bleacher Report is also a testament to B/R’s improved reputation in the wider world, which in turn is a direct result of the hard work you writers have done to improve the quality of the writing on the site. In other words, every good story you write helps not just yourself, but, in a small way, the entire Writer Community.

So give yourselves a pat on the back, B/R writers, for helping Tenenbaum get into the university of his choice. Just don’t expect him to invite you to the parties.

  • D’Asher Chance

    very cool.

  • Nedu Obi
