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Apr 18 / King Kaufman

Forbes’ Bercovici: Journalism is the best job ever

Remember that ranking that came out last week saying that newspaper reporter is the fifth worst job, right between waiter/waitress above it and oil-rig worker below it?

At, Jeff Bercovici disagrees. In a post headlined “Forget That Survey. Here’s Why Journalism Is The Best Job Ever,” Bercovici writes:

You know that old joke referenced in “Annie Hall” about the restaurant with the terrible food and the tiny portions? This study makes me think of that. Working as a reporter is just awful—and it’s so hard to find a place to do it!

Bercovici acknowledges that it’s hard out there for a journalist, with low starting salaries, too few good jobs and too many people fighting for them, industry disruption and, let’s face it, sometimes the hours are crazy. All of that belies a simple truth, according to Bercovici. “Being a journalist is the best. That’s all there is to it.”

Click through to read his eight reasons why that’s so.