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Apr 10 / King Kaufman

This Week in Review: Nieman’s quick catch-up for media news

If you want to keep up with the latest news in what I like to call Journalism Nerdworld, the quickest way to do that is by reading Mark Coddington’s This Week in Review column at, the website of Harvard’s Nieman Journalism Lab.

Coddington is a former newspaper reporter who’s studying journalism as a grad student at the University of Texas. He’s been rounding up the week’s journalism news for a few years, and reader beware about his pieces being a quick way to keep up with the news. Start clicking the links he provides and you could find yourself absorbed for hours.

Here’s Coddington’s Twitter feed and here’s last week’s column, which focuses on, among other things, the closure of Project Thunderdome.

Yeah, there was something in Journalism Nerdworld called Project Thunderdome, and it was important. Here’s another mention of it on the B/R Blog. You thought Journalism Nerdworld was nerdy?

This Week in Review goes up on Friday. Look for it.