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Dec 2 / King Kaufman recommends 10 Firefox add-ons for journalists

I’m not always conscientious about staying up to date with all the apps, extensions and add-ons that can make my life as a writer, editor and all-around content producer easier and better and happier. Every once in a while I’m an early adopter and I feel smart. Far more often, I try something after people have been talking about it for ages and I find myself thinking, “Why didn’t I try this years ago?”

I’m looking at you, Evernote.

I’m hoping to at least feel smart, even if I’m not an early adopter, after I run through the suggestions in 10 Firefox add-ons for journalists at the British site

The add-ons include tools for boookmarking, image searching and editing, social media management and more. I’ve never used any of them, so I guess what I’m hoping for, as I set out to test drive them, is 10 shouts of “Why didn’t I try this years ago?”

  • Michael Schottey

    Sadly, Firefox has dropped down to No. 2 on my list of browsers as of late. Not sure if it’s due to the switch to Apple or just a change in the product, but I tend to have a massive memory leak every time I use Firefox for more than a few minutes (and add-ons tend to exacerbate the issue). Anytime I have lag, it’s usually because Firefox is open in the background.

    So, I guess what I’m sayin’ is…where’s this list for Chrome? :-)

  • amar

    excellent add on!