Posts from the ‘Ethics’ Category

- 09.12.14New SPJ Code of Ethics emphasizes journalism over journalists
- 08.21.14What to take away from the latest Fareed Zakaria plagiarism case
- 28.19.14“Muhammad Ali knocks out Cleveland Williams” is a lie: Verify everything
- 08.15.14Nate Silver’s misstep is a reminder to think first, and second, before tweeting
- 08.7.14Daily News writer admits he may have gotten too close to Ike Davis, Lucas Duda story
- 08.5.14How the New York Times didn’t fall for a report from others’ “sources”
- 08.1.14What’s the deal? Media pros fooled by obviously phony trade tweets
- 07.31.14Wikipedia plagiarism in the news a good reminder to attribute everything
- 07.30.14A Wikipedia horror story: How attribution and verification can (usually) save the day
- 06.20.14Friday reads: Anonymous sources, shoe-leather reporting … Oxford comma