Posts from the ‘On media’ Category

- 312.1.15Adweek names B/R’s Joe Yanarella Digital Editor of the Year
- 211.13.15The Mizzou protests showed changing views of the media and privacy
- 611.6.15Clay Travis, Dave Finocchio discuss the present and future of sports media
- 310.30.15New York Times goes way old school, Fox wrestles with ethics in MLB postseason
- 510.22.15Who needs who: Jackson State, Clarion-Ledger in stare-down over access
- 49.10.15Good news on pay for freelance writers from the Awl’s Noah Davis—but don’t get used to it
- 19.3.15How can sportswriters use robot journalism to create better stories?
- 28.24.15“NBC Sunday Night Football” boss Gaudelli talks about how it’s done
- 18.10.15Molly Knight on rough moments as she got her start
- 17.21.15Spink Award winner Tom Gage talks to CJR about the changing business of baseball writing