Posts from the ‘Quote of the Day’ Category

- 08.16.12Quote of the Day: The secret to writing in a dozen words
- 08.15.12Quote of the Day: Be careful out there
- 18.14.12Quote of the Day: How it felt to write like Kurt Vonnegut
- 18.13.12Quote of the Day: Go ahead, take some chances
- 48.10.12Quote of the Day: How fast do you write?
- 08.8.12Quote of the Day: Look beyond yourself
- 08.7.12Quote of the Day: Write what you want to read
- 08.3.12Quote of the Day: How to find your voice as a writer
- 08.2.12Quote of the Day: Edward Albee on writing as optimism
- 08.1.12Quote of the Day: Gore Vidal on precocious talent