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Jun 17 / King Kaufman

Revamped slideshow-creation tool to roll out this week

We hope that by now you’re comfortable with the revamped publishing tool, which features much easier media discovery and placement in standard articles.

Here comes the next big thing. The testing is just about done and the Product team is set to release the redesigned tool for slideshow creation to all writers on Tuesday.

If you’re not comfortable with the new tools yet, the best way to fix that is probably to just play around with them for a few minutes, but if that’s not your style, Community Moderator Jeff Chase has posted a brief how-to in the B/R Forum.

One thing that’s raised a few questions among the testers of the new slideshow tool is the absence of the button that allows you to save and go to the next slide. The slideshow will autosave whenever you navigate between the slides in the sorter rail, so there’s no need for a save button—though if you’re the nervous type, as I am, there will still be a button that will allow you to manually save the slideshow.