Posts from the ‘Interviewing’ Category

- 72.19.16Lars Anderson on telling the story of a person who has died
- 51.22.16Sanjay Kirpalani: How I Got the Story on the recruitment of Brady and Wilson
- 11.14.16Danny Knobler: How I Got the Story on Mike Hessman, the real-life Crash Davis
- 33.27.15So you want to be a beat writer? Grantland’s Curtis shows how the sausage is made
- 13.18.15Interviewing tips, from calming nerves to getting good answers, from a host of veteran journos
- 01.16.13What you can learn from Lance Armstrong’s interview: It’s not about Lance
- 07.25.12David Remnick on sports and access: Tumblr interview outtakes
- 17.23.12Quote of the Day: New Yorker editor says access overrated
- 76.27.12Phone, email, face-to-face? Poynter explores interviewing methods
- 05.2.12Interview tips via Poynter from ESPN’s guru, John Sawatsky