Posts tagged ‘accuracy’
- 110.23.13Slow News Movement: Taking the time to get it right
- 29.30.13You and your copy editor: At Bleacher Report, it’s a conversation
- 19.10.13Headlines: Entice readers, but be accurate, truthful and reasonable
- 09.4.13Football season: Tips for writers from the Quality Control team
- 27.19.13A few extra minutes can be worth a few thousand reads
- 06.11.13Fact-checking trumps even the most reliable media sources
- 55.16.13The 10 most common Content Standards violations, and how to avoid them
- 05.15.13Josh Stearns’ one-stop shop for becoming a verification expert
- 25.10.13How to approach perfection: Proofread, then do it again
- 15.6.13Professors offer six ways to tease the truth out of stats