Posts from the ‘Copy Editing’ Category
- 25.10.13How to approach perfection: Proofread, then do it again
- 14.5.13Getting the little things right can lead to big things
- 33.8.13Proofreading: It’s a lot more than that one last read
- 03.4.13Its National Grammar Day! And yeah, that first word’s a joke
- 22.13.13My journey from Copy Editing Intern to full-time paid work
- 21.15.13How copy editing is like cleaning a room—YOUR room
- 012.17.12Reading roundup to tide you over a B/R Blog holiday hiatus
- 711.14.12Singular-sounding team names: Is they is or is they ain’t plural?
- 410.9.127 good tips for your most important editor: You
- 29.19.12How to spot a cliche: Do you know what’s coming next?