Posts from the ‘Slideshows’ Category

- 11.17.13Bleacher Report world football slideshow has ‘em cheering in Mexico
- 05.18.12Internship Insider: Article guidelines cheat sheet
- 312.23.11Internship Insider: Top 10 online writer mistakes (Part III)
- 212.8.11Shoutout: 50 best soccer players slideshow
- 3511.30.11A spirited defense of slideshows
- 311.11.11Internship Insider: Ledes, “best of” and angles
- 211.4.11Internship Insider: SEO, copy editors and stats
- 110.28.11Internship Insider: Deadwood, slideshows & intros
- 010.7.11Internship Insider: Tone, transitions and angle
- 09.22.11Internship Insider: Introduction slides, quotes & generalizations