Posts tagged ‘Advanced Program in Sports Media’

- 51.22.16Sanjay Kirpalani: How I Got the Story on the recruitment of Brady and Wilson
- 11.14.16Danny Knobler: How I Got the Story on Mike Hessman, the real-life Crash Davis
- 11.8.16B/R’s Dorth Raphaely: Make yourself invaluable, to the audience and employers
- 22.27.15Advice from successful APSM candidates on how to pass B/R’s educational program’s application
- 312.19.14Syllabus for the Advanced Program in Sports Media, B/R’s sportswriting course
- 310.31.14A visit to the SEC to talk about B/R’s advanced educational programs
- 05.16.14How Twitter, other social media can lead to better analysis
- 05.9.14Writing about unfamiliar sports improves your chops—if you do it right
- 05.2.14What my analytics internship taught me about being a sportswriter
- 04.25.14Live blogs: Your work starts long before the event begins